Print & Haptics

Printed communication has a lasting effect. People who pick up a book or a magazine read at leisure, they immerge into the content and get a haptical feel for it. The skilful combination of paper stock and print and finishing techniques help to underline the message of the product.

Studio Maven specializes in printed matter. Over the years we have established an extensive network of printers, bookbinders and print finishers and can ensure a trouble-free production workflow.

Conception of creative print products — material and paper consultancy — cost calculation — production management —  sustainability

Corporate Publishing

Corporate publishing offers an opportunity for companies, organisations, foundations and public authorities from the fields of culture, education and science to communicate with their audiences.

Studio Maven develops and implements corporate publishing projects from the initial concept and project management to copywriting, image selection, layout and print production.

Customer magazines — Members’ magazines — Books — Annual reviews — Reports  — Catalogues

Editorial Design

Typography, layout, typesetting and visual language are the parameters of editorial design that add a distinctive visual character to any medium.

Content and form are inseparable and that is why Studio Maven develops editorial design in close collaboration with authors, artists, publishing houses and editorial units.

Books — Book covers — Magazines — Catalogues — Artists’ editions

Text & Images

A holistic approach to the creation of publications is rewarded with a mutually enriching relationship between text and images.

Studio Maven provides all content needed for the implementation of printed matter. We collaborate with a selected network of authors, copywriters, photographers, illustrators and translators in order to offer one-stop high-quality publications.

Development of media formats — Editing — Journalistic texts — Lectorate — Translation — Art buying — Photo productions